Saturday, January 31, 2004

Check out this movie here... It's even more funny if you live in California... :o)

Sunday, January 18, 2004

WARNING THIS WEBSITE CONTAINS SHELLFISH is a site designed and intended solely for organisms high enough in the food chain to appreciate the beauty of wanton marine life and hardcore crustacea.

The materials available on this website include graphic visual depictions and descriptions of a fishy nature.

The site should NOT be accessed by spawn, whitebait, sprats, winkles, or anyone who may find this material offensive.

Saturday, January 17, 2004

We have new pictures up in the "Party Pics" section!!! They are from the annual New Year party... It was a blast so make sure you join us next year!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2004

Ladies, don't worry about sitting down on that dirty toilet seat ever again as long as you have this handy, disposable wonder... I know a few Women that may enjoy this item while touring Europe this May... Click me to pee!!!

Sunday, January 04, 2004

It's been a while, yes... I do appologize for the length between the last blog and this but the Month of December is a crazy work-filled Month for me and my page suffers a bit... I hope all is well and here if a fun little thing to play with until I get some more fun-filled enjoyment for you all... :o)